Stifford Clays Primary School

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ASD Resource Base Provision

Our Autistic Spectrum Disorder Resource Base is funded directly by the Local Authority which accommodates 11 children. The base is led by Miss M Milesi Assistant Head and a Senior Tutor Miss S Clark who supports running the base day to day and supports the training of the ABA Tutors.  Each child has an ABA Tutor who works with them every day. The ABA Tutors are given training in the field of ABA and taught how to run their child’s programme.


The children are taught using the method of Applied Behaviour Analysis. The children’s curriculum is devised from the ABLLS curriculum (Assessment of Basic Language and Learning Skills). This includes targets such as following instructions, labelling, imitation, visual skills, maths, reading, writing and self-help skills. Each child’s curriculum is individualised and run by their ABA Tutor daily. The children have a PE session once a week which focuses on gross motor skills and turn taking. The children attend an Attention Autism Session with peers from the base which focuses on shared attention, listening and turn taking. Depending on the child they may also access lessons in the mainstream school such as PE and golden time.


The children’s behaviour is analysed daily using the ABC (Antecedent, Behaviour and Consequence) method and strategies are put in place to support the children and teach them to communicate effectively.


The main target that the children are taught is to communicate for items that they are motivated for. The ABA Tutor will build motivation for items and see which activities are highly motivating. The Tutor will then prompt the child to ask for those items building up to them asking for them at a spontaneous level. There are a range of activities in the base for the children to explore as well as an outside area with a trampoline and a swing. Depending on the child they are taught to communicate using sign language (We use Sign Along), pictures, IPad or through speech.


If you would like to visit the ASD Resource Base please contact the main school office on 01375 373866 and ask to speak to Miss M Milesi who will be able to arrange a date and time for you to visit.