Stifford Clays Primary School

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We are

  • PositiveBelieve in yourself, believe in others
  • RespectfulValue people, value our world
  • ReceptiveOpen minds, open hearts
  • HonestBe truthful to you, be truthful to all
  • DeterminedI can, you can, we can

Welcome to Stifford Primary School

Stifford Primary School is part of a group of academy schools who work collaboratively through the South West Essex Community Education Trust (SWECET). It is important that each school maintains its own uniqueness whilst also gaining support and knowledge by working together.

Our school is a happy, welcoming place with a positive ethos towards learning. We are ambitious for our pupils and know that the experiences they have at school will shape their futures. All of our staff, parents and pupils are actively involved in school improvement as important stakeholders.

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