Stifford Clays Primary School

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Stifford Clays Primary School is part of a group of academy schools who work collaboratively together through the South West Essex Community Education Trust. Each school maintains its own uniqueness whilst also sharing good practice and effective teaching pedagogy.

At Stifford Clays Primary School, each child is seen as an individual and we support each child to do his or her very best in their journey through school. It is our role to provide high quality Teaching and Learning opportunities, supporting children to their next steps and aiming for their best progress possible. We have a team of skilled professionals who support the children throughout their time in school.  We want children to be happy and engaged in their learning where ever possible. We expect children to try their hardest and show a good attitude in their learning journey and towards others in school. We believe partnerships between home and school to be vital in ensuring the best education for every child.

Our curriculum is designed to suit the full ranges of abilities and ages within school. It is planned to have many interesting topics that will appeal to a wide range of interests. We give due value to teaching the core subjects such as Reading, Writing, Mathematics and Science. We also have a well-planned curriculum of topic and linked themes which bring the children’s learning to life and supports a wide range of their interests. The curriculum for the youngest children is suited to their needs and development and offers a good outside learning area.  ICT skills are taught and developed to support understanding throughout school. Extra-curricular activities are seen as important in offering a broad and balanced curriculum and these include trips out, visitors to school, clubs and offering support to a wide range of charities. 

We support children in their development of good life and social skills. Some children will have learning, social or physical difficulties during their time in school, we will work with individuals and their families to provide appropriate support for them to make their best progress and receive the best support possible.

At Stifford Clays, there are three classes in each year (two in reception) which allows teachers and children to work together across the year group. Assemblies bring the school together to celebrate individual, class and whole school successes as well as teaching about the schools 5 key elements of personal and spiritual growth.  Learning Today, Leading Tomorrow: Respect   Honesty   Positivity   Determination   Receptiveness.  The children enjoy their play and social times and there is ample space around the school for them to share.

More detailed information is available on the School Website.  We will be happy to show you around our school at any time, please contact the School Office for more information.

Mr J Lloyd
