Stifford Clays Primary School

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At Stifford Clays Primary School we recognise that every child is unique and special.

Within our rich and varied curriculum, every child is given opportunities and support, in a safe, caring and stimulating environment, which should facilitate each child’s chance to reach the highest possible standards. All staff are committed to meeting the needs of all our children and strive to break down any barriers that are preventing children from making the progress they are capable of. As a school, we recognise the importance of not only supporting children’s academic progress but also developing their behavioural, emotional and social skills to enable them to become confident, independent learners.

SEN Legislation

The reforms in the Children and Families Bill 2014 affected the way children with special educational needs (SEN) are supported in schools. This new approach was implemented in September 2014 and places pupils at the centre of planning.  Building on best practice, the SEND Code of Practice 0-25 sets clear expectations on schools to deliver a whole school approach to SEN, with good quality teaching as a first response and a clear focus on outcomes. Teachers are at the heart of the new SEN support system, supported by the strategic role of SENCOs, with strong leadership from head teachers and governors.

The key principles of this new legislation are:

  • Young people and their families should be fully involved in discussions about the support they need, so they can share their knowledge and feedback to the school on the young person’s progress.
  • Education, Health and Care plans (EHC) will replace statements of special educational needs. New assessments for additional educational needs will follow the EHC guidelines from September 2014. (Existing statements will remain in force until all children and young people have completed the transition, which will be within three years).
  • School Action and School Action Plus will cease and be replaced by a single school-based category for children who need extra specialist support.

Local Offer

As part of this new legislation, Local Authorities have a duty to publish a Local Offer, setting out in one place information about provision they expect to be available in their area across education, health and social care for children and young people in their area who have SEN or are disabled, including those who do not have EHC plans.

School’s also have a duty to publish their SEND Information Report as part of the Local Offer.

SEND Documents

Special Education Needs and Disability Policy 2024 - 25

Special Educational Needs Information Report 2024-25