Stifford Clays Primary School

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School Uniform


Stifford Clays Primary School has adopted the wearing of school uniform which is deliberately kept simple. All children are expected to wear the correct uniform. We believe uniform, in addition to looking smart, helps the children “belong” to our school.

Please see below some information about our school uniform.

Our school uniform policy can be found on our policies page. 



  • Navy Blue jumper/sweat shirt/tank top (school badge optional)
  • White shirt/Polo tops
  • Navy Blue Trousers/Shorts*
  • Navy blue or black socks
  • Black shoes or trainers with black soles
  • Tie (optional)


  • Navy Blue jumper/sweat shirt/cardigan (school badge optional)
  • White blouses/Polo tops
  • Navy Blue Skirts*/Pinafores*/Shorts*/Trousers
  • Navy blue,white or black socks/tights
  • Black shoes or trainers with black soles
  • Tie (optional)
  • Blue gingham dress in summer term (optional)

*knee length

Nursery children

Due to lack of buttons and fastenings, nursery children are permitted to wear navy blue jogging bottoms or leggings.


Only black shoes are to be worn to school. This may include black trainers however they must be all black with no coloured motif or soles.

We believe that it is dangerous for children to wear shoes with platform soles, open toes or high heels, so we do not allow this.

Black boots may be worn in the winter months, where they are both practical and necessary. Our school promotes the use of practical shoes that are well maintained and reflect our commitment to smart appearance and pride in school identity.


Children may not wear jewellery to school (except for small studs and watches) other than for religious or cultural reasons. We do not allow headwear to be worn during class time or inside school buildings, except for religious or cultural reasons.


PE is a national curriculum subject for which children are expected to dress appropriately. At Stifford Clays Primary School the required kit is as follows:

  • White T shirt
  • Navy shorts
  • Black or white trainers/Plimsolls
  • Jogging bottoms and jumpers (winter months)

PE kits should be in school at all times. Should a child not have a suitable PE kit in school they will not be permitted to take part in the planned lesson but will participate in a speed walk for the duration of the lesson. All jewellery, with no exceptions, must be removed for PE.

Early Years children do not take part in PE sessions until the summer term of their reception year. Parents will be provided with reasonable notification of when a kit is required.

Availability of uniform

All Stifford Clays Uniform can be purchased at ‘My Clothing’ or via ‘Uniforms by Niki’ (see details below) however parents are permitted to obtain uniform from alternative suppliers as long as it reflects the appropriate school colours.

  • Click on the link at the bottom of this page
  • Select the items you require – both embroidered and plain – and add them to your basket
  • To purchase navy items: Click on the Clothing/Accessories tab on the top left hand side
  • Select School Uniform towards the bottom of the list
  • Select your preference
  • Add your items to the same shopping basket


The school welcomes children from all backgrounds and faith communities. If there are strong reasons, e.g. religious grounds, why parents want their child to wear clothes that differ from those outlined in this policy, the school will give consideration to such requests. Similarly, should and item of school uniform prove problematic for a pupil with disabilities then parents are invited to draw this to the attention of the headteacher.

Occasionally in preparation for educational visits that make take place on rugged ground, children and parents may be notified that more suitable footwear be worn e.g. trainers, boots. In such circumstances footwear would not need to reflect the school colours.

PLEASE LABEL ALL CLOTHING. Please provide your child with sunscreen and headwear during the summer months as shade is limited.

Uniform with our school logo is available from ‘My Clothing’ or ‘Uniforms by Niki’ at very reasonable prices, although parents do not have to buy items from here. This can be accessed by going to the following Website:

My Clothing

Uniforms by Niki

You will then be able to login or register to purchase uniform from the sites.