Stifford Clays Primary School

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Unavoidable Closure Guidance

On occasions, schools across the country find themselves in the position of having to close due to an emergency situation for example gas, water, sewerage leaks, failure of the boiler and heating systems or severe inclement weather.

When an emergency situation occurs the Head of School, Executive Headteacher and CEO will liaise with the local authority to make an informed decision about whether the school needs to close for Health & Safety reasons – such a decision is never taken lightly.  At all times, the Health & Safety of the children, parents and staff is of paramount concern.

In the event of a closure the school will notify the radio stations listed below, update the school website, send out Tweet, send an email and send a text message. If overnight, weather conditions make it likely that the school may be unable to open the next morning, we would advise parents to listen to the radio stations, check their emails and messages, check the school’s website and check our Twitter feed.

Access to the radio stations emergency line is restricted to the use of Headteachers by means of a password to avoid hoax calls.  There is no parental access to the emergency line.  In the event of unexpected adverse weather conditions closing the school, the Headteacher notifies the radio stations below who issue regular bulletins to parents notifying them of the school’s closure.

If you do not hear our school’s name read out by the news presenter on the radio, or have been contacting us to inform you of a closure, please send your child to school as normal.


  • Essex FM – 96.3/102.6

Website (Look at “Snow Guide” and then “Schools closed in Essex”)

  • BBC Essex – 95.3/103.5
